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Personalized Learning in a Pre-School Setting


Personalized Learning in a Pre-School Setting

    Personalized learning in a pre-school setting may look different than in a traditional classroom setting. Preschool settings are encouraged to be a place where kids can explore and find autonomy for themselves. After watching "Supercharging the Classroom" with Sal Khan of Khan Academy and reading the article "4 Ways to Include Personalized Learning in Your Classroom", there are 3 things that would help personalize my preschool learning environments.

1. Student Driven Learning - Choices / Student Interest

    Student driven learning is actually not a new concept. Its a concept that homeschoolers and Reggio Emilia inspired preschools have implemented for years. It is a teaching method that focuses on students and their interests as the instructor facilitates learning and making connections. Giving students more decision making opportunities during the learning process supports critical thinking skills preschool students need as they grow. "Learning Stations" are a great way preschool educators will encourage student choice learning. With a learning stations approach preschool students have the ability to choose what they want to play with. 

2. Progress Reporting - Gaps

    According to an Article titled "4 Ways to Include Personalized Learning in Your Classroom", when you gather data based on work or assessment, share it with students right away. This may be a concept we feel doesn't apply to preschool students. However, preschool students have the cognitive ability to understand what they are doing well and what they need to work harder on. Identifying gaps and sharing that data with students is a realistic goal any preschool educator can implement. 

3. Lesson Decor - Classroom Layout

    Physical space can affect learning for students, so consider movement from activity to activity.. " A great way to personalize learning for preschool students is to create the environment of the lesson you're teaching. Classroom decor should reflect topics you are currently covering from the curriculum. This means when learning about fruit, fruit decor items should be used around the classroom but also brining a personal experience to students by turning a section of the classroom into a working fruit stand where students can identify and buy fruit. Personalized decor items that match the lesson theme can be used to make meal times an experience. 

    A personalized preschool experience will be something that is different for each group of students, detailed, and progressive. 


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