Pre-K III Mini Garden Activity - Worked Example Presentation
A Worked Example
This week for my LSU course assignment, I created a worked example. Following Clark and Mayer's definition, "a worked example is a step-by-step demonstration of how to complete a task" (Clark, Mayer 2016). The Pre-K III Mini Garden Activity is an example of a worked example presentation I completed using many multimedia principles such as Personalization principle and Coherence principle. Its a step by step guide on how to plant a seed with a collaborative garden activity for preschool students. The presentation features demonstrations of how to clean and prepare a seed, find a location, and plant the seeds. As well as examples of ways to enhance student understanding. This presentation is accessible to anyone with the link and is intended for in-home preschool educators and homeschooling parents.
Design Challenges
There were two challenges I faced when designing my worked example presentation. First, I realized my presentation was over decorated and many elements were distracting from the main topic. I reviewed the Coherence Principle from Clark and Mayer's textbook, chapter 8. The Coherence Principle states, "avoid any material that does not support the instructional goal" (Clark, Mayer 2016). Therefore, I went back through the presentation taking out anything that was irrelevant and unrelated to preschool gardening or the topic of that specific page. "Adding interesting but unnecessary material to e-learning can harm the learning process" (Clark, Mayer 2016). Secondly, I wanted to make sure my step by step guide had enough examples.
Worked Example Elements
I wasn't sure if my topic was actually a "worked example". I knew I must have the following elements before I could consider the presentation a worked example. "A modeling example is a worked example in which a human provides a demonstration of how to complete a task (Clark Mayer 2016). I included a "modeling example" on step four. The model is demonstrating how to drop a seed into the soil. The presentation must support far transfer through learning varied worked examples. There is a cut and paste art activity that will enhance student understanding and support far transfer learning.
Multimedia Principles
My worked example includes a few multimedia principles. The Coherence principle, a principle that gives guidance on avoiding extraneous text graphics animation and audio elements. I applies the personalization principle by narrating my presentation with conversational style. I've come along way with conversational style presentations. I'm proud of how that particular part turned out. Being a perfectionist there are times id like to delete audio because I pause too long or say uhm. I realize this is natural when conversing with other humans and decide to keep the imperfect audio.
The Embodiment principle which states learners understand material better when online agents with human like behavior are included (Clark, Mayer 2016). This principle leads me to add elements such as pointing fingers. These pointing fingers bring attention to important details in the presentation. And finally, emotional design which helps learners "draw a cognitive connection to the material" (Clark, Mayer 2016). Most of the graphics I created myself using Artificial Intelligence (AI). I wanted images of preschoolers learning and creating. As well as preschool teachers and preschool settings. I specially added these details to the graphics to help my intended audience draw a connection to the material in the presentation. These principles helped guide me through the creation of the worked example. Applying multiple multimedia principles and high definition images produced an effective presentation that supported the learning goals.
Coherence Principle
The worked example I created focuses on emotional design and the Coherence principle. I knew I did not want to include any text graphics audio or animations that did not support the presentations learning goals. Early in my design I realized I had extraneous text and graphics. According to Clark and Mayer, "weeding" is a term used to describe the act of removing extraneous elements. Audio is another element that cannot be overbearing, or it can distract from the learning goals. I limited my audio snippet to two. My digital story had multiple audio tracks that essentially distracted from the material in the story. Therefore, for this presentation I ensured my two audio tracks were working and at the appropriate volume.
Overall, I'm happy with my final product. It is the cumulation of all of the multimedia principles I've learned about in this course and from the book, put to use. As I continue to build products for my preschool curriculum, in and outside of school, I am excited to apply all the things I learn to improve my skills.
Clark, Colvin Ruth, and Richard E. Mayer. 2016. Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning, Fourth, Edition.
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