The Modality Principle Presentation!
The narrated presentation I created this week was about The Modality Principle. This presentation is intended for Pre-school Instructors that create or design preschool e-learning modules. The presentation covers the modality principle and some of the limitations it has depending on the target audience and their cognitive processing ability. I review the modality principle and the reasoning behind why we use it. I give examples of when we don't need to use the Modality Principle (limits).
In the making of the presentation itself, I used the Modality Principles from Clark and Mayer's book. I narrated my presentation, I used on screen text as well as audio narration. I also used animations and graphics that were both decorative and informative. On slides where I placed informative graphics, I also used audio narration. I did this in an effort not to overload the cognitive ability of my intended audience.
According to Clark and Mayer, if your learner's eyes must attend to printed words then they cannot fully attend to the graphic. This is referred to as cognitive overload. To avoid cognitive overload in your intended audience apply modality principles to the design of the presentation. This is especially advantageous when the words are familiar, the pace of the presentation is rapid, and the graphic is complex.
Clark, Colvin Ruth, and Richard E. Mayer. 2016. Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning, Fourth, Edition.
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